Monday, December 01, 2008

card shards

yay! got the image for the show card for the january show at sagefarm! very nice! im excited about this show, these are huge drawings that i did, the image here is just a detail of two panels


David Hinske said...

Shameless plug: Opening party with the artists Kyle Irving (Detroit, MI) and Chris St. John (Taos, NM) on January 3rd, 4-7pm. 104 Dona Luz next to Your Home Food Store, down a few doors from where Main Street Bakery used to be.

Anonymous said...

sorry kyle david, yes i should have posted more info on the show, thanks david

David Hinske said...

Kyle Irving's pieces arrived yesterday from Detroit - including two skateboards. This will be an interesting show - his work and yours present two different and provocative perspectives dealing with sort of similar subject matter. I'm hanging the show the afternoon of January 1st.