Sunday, November 26, 2006

Bowie Dream

So I had this great dream the other morning. I'm in a room with David Bowie, a spacious lab warehouse thing with morning light pale blue streaming though tall windows. There are these lab tables all around, and I walk over to his table. He is happy to see me, and he cups my face in his hands, and says "you are the cosmic wonder." After that, we hoist the planet Jupiter, which is the size of a large beach ball, into a washing machine. He asks me if it's too heavy, I tell him no, but that it's like the myth of Atlas. He asks me in what way, and I say you know with the titans. There are swimming pools again, I walk over to one and dive in from a very tall iron diving board, its ornate like something out of the 19th century. When I enter the water, I become a woman astronaut making a space voyage to another solar system on the far side of a large red planet. She has to make the descent into the atmosphere which is oily and turbulent, with flashes of orange lightning which can be seen from the craft in orbit around the planet.
And thats that. I taken a few days off from the studio, feeling great. But Devin and I keep seeing the ghost around the house.

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