Thursday, October 30, 2008

they need to find this man's genitals before he goes on another rampage.

Friday, October 17, 2008

little gripes

i dont rant very often, but there was a woman in sagefarm gallery today, suzanne i believe, who was looking at my paintings...nice woman, and i appreciate her being there and checking my work out, she seemed to genuinely respond to it...BUT, she did make some comments that have eaten at me all the rest of the day, things which i have heard before which bug me to no end...1: these would be great bigger, and 2: these need to be in new york chicago san francisco etc. ok people, i am here! right here in taos fucking new mexico and i am so lucky to be able to just be showing where im at. and if you want to see my work large, like 5, 6 ft, then be my patron ok? im a fucking poor working artist and im doing my best working with what i have. and when i have worked large, NO ONE buys em, no one. so if you want to be my patron and step up and support my artistic growth, please, by all means i welcome the relationship. otherwise...well, my computer is fixed but my head is stuck in a mega drawing hole, so updates to my website will be on hold until i finish this work. that being said, man i cant wait to share these with everyone.