Thursday, July 26, 2007


more boys, nothing much to say except that blockbuster hollywood movies make the back of my brain ache, we took my son and his friend to see transformers tonight, the best part was watching his enthusiasm and sucks, i'm older and these movies are so full of holes and flaws, but if i were ten again a movie like that would have been so tremendous to me, im glad he can enjoy it, but then again, im glad i can see it for what it is...its funny, there was a lot of racism in the film, but its the usual kind of racism in these movies where anything important is being done by white folks

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i wanted to say thank you to all the good folks who came out to see me at my booth at the haleiwa arts festival. the response i get never fails to surprise me. huyen, here is your painting.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


so, this is the other magazine that i was getting featured in, or rather artwork inside, just lawyerly articles, not being a lawyer i cannot speak of its merits, but i do know that is one fine painting on the cover. faith's home, and we're all in the warms snugly cave of love.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

all god's children ain't god's children

so, some days i wonder how long you have to work at something like this before certain people stop making references to you like "an occasion when newcomers break the surface of visibility". fuck 'em, i say. but then again, many days i fear i will always be a beginner, and always be regarded as such.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

flying flights

"toll the bell, pay the private eye, all is well, twentieth century dies" david bowie friggin rocks, listening to the outside album....good news for me and my son! faith is flying in tomorrow for good good goodness! yay, im freakin happy! and for those who wonder, yes she's ok.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

party people eat peacocks

some drawings from the magazine i had a weird synchronicity yesterday, i read a news article about a deranged man who killed a peacock believing it to be a vampire. later on during the day i had to go the gallery to drop some things off and as i was walking through china town this homeless guy goes by on a bicycle shouting out "LOVE YOUR PEACOCK!", but in this very deep lowing kind of voice, all full fathom five and full of dark menace. i dont think it was a good week for peacocks around the world.

Friday, July 06, 2007


more art extras for my straight to video super painter movie, "the saga of junior", as narrated by morgan freeman. coming soon to a headspace near you. cough cough

Monday, July 02, 2007

dust mops

a couple of paintings that just went to the gallery and me having mad scientist hair day...cheers


so, the magazine party was very chic, lots of sexy wealthy looking adults slinking around in expensive rags and big erotically engineered shoes, shoes that you would have no choice but to worship if they were placed on pedestals around the room. i didn't talk to too many people, the editor, the writer and his date, a few other folks who found out who i was and snatched my sketchbook out of my hands to ogle over my drawings. i had been drawing people quietly in a corner for a while, plied with sushi and other tasties by the overbearing but friendly wait staff. tomorrow will post some of those drawings. the article looks really good...all shiny, but the layout is nice, the colors are good, a little off but not too much, and although the article has a goofy edge to it, the gallery has already gotten alot of folks in wanting to see more of my work. so good news that is. on friday, i had to rush my butt back down to the honolulu academy of arts because masami teraoka was signing a new book that has been published of his work, a retrospective...MAN! that was so fucking awesome to meet him, hes been a hero painter for me since before i started making art....i was so nervous, i had to write my name on a paper so he could sign the book and my hand was shaking quite badly, he said i had a holy name...the guy was wearing pajamas and a fanny pack, which was so awesome....hes 71 and has an eight month old daiughter. when i was blabbering away about how much i admired him i told him i had a painting in the wing behind him...i did it sheepishly and i dont know if he looked, he made a note though....i was just happy to meet him, i finished five paintings this weekend, all that excitement hasn't waned either.