Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fathers and sons

The drawings I did before were about the mother so I thought I would focus on the son, but ony one got the son. The father kept creeping in, I kept wondering about the relationship with this invisible person fighting the good fight in bad places. The last watercolor here ends up being almost abstract.

Friday, December 29, 2006


New post, new model, this is the mother of a boy who has been a source of trouble for my son the last few days. She seems like a sweet enough woman, simple though, and caught up in her share of troubles. Something of a chain smoker from the way the house smells and the way Devin smells when he comes back from their house. I think I took care of the whole thing today, had those parent to parent talks that I hate so much. Of course I could take my friend's advice and train my son to be like some ferocious, rabid gerbil ripping the balls off any kid who so much as blinks at him wrong, but I don't raise my son to be that way, and he's too sweet for that. This woman doesn't seem to know her children very well, she has that weird blind spot that alot of people have with regard to their children's faults. Either that or she doesn't care. From the way the boy acts it's easy to imagine what his father's like, the way the boy belittles everything different from him and calls everything gay and "stoopid". Just another typical military family. But I wonder about this woman who calls me sir everytime I talk with her even though I'm a few years younger than she is and look alot younger than that. This woman who acts like a dog that's been hit too many times...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

More violence

Well, the painting that is developing out of these studies is coming along nicely, so I don't want to spill the beans on my model. But the curious always know where to find me.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Violence contained...

So, I had this experience with my son's best friend's father several days ago, and he's been my subject every night since then. These are last night's drawings. Tomorrow's post will go into more detail about him and the whole weirdness, but I've been trying to get into this person's head, and while these don't succeed the way I want them to, I feel like I am getting closer. Onward winter soldiers!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Short stops

Just a couple of people at the local convenience store, a nice gentleman buying cheap budwesier and a really expensive bottle of hennessy, which I thought was a funny contrast but maybe the beer wasn't for him, and some kid who rode a yellow crotch rocket. My son has gotten so excited about the impending holiday, he's constantly eyeing the tree as if something might disappear or trying to find something he hasn't already seen.

Dark eyes weather...

Just two local people and one not so local woman, school's out for the next three weeks, so it's going to be mostly loose ink drawings and watercolors on my posts for a while, unless devin and I go out alot, which I don't anticipate. Strange thing today, Devin and I both got very sluggish toward the middle of the day, cranky too, like our energy was being zapped by something. I don't know if he was just picking up on my vibes or me his, but it was a little odd, especially since I try really hard not to let my inner states affect him negatively. Merry solstice to all you happy pagans!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Heavy Posts and Lintels Number 2

So in keeping with the title of this double post I think I passed some kind of hurdle with watercolors, suddenly everything is very effortless, which is a little unnerving because I've been working on these every day for the past five months. But who cares about that, right? Maybe the perceptive individual will figure out who these paintings are about...One thing I love about Hawaii and Oahu in particular are the skies at this time of year. The Ko'olaus to the east and the Waianaes behind us in the west are usually covered in great rolling cloud banks that do marvelous things to the evening and morning light. It's about the only demonstration of a seasonal change in light that we get around here. In particular, there is a short time period towards the end of sunset when the sky is shaded a very delicate bruised pink. If the cloud banks are coming off the Ko'olaus they look positively surreal against this light, this strange bluish white color against the pink of the sky, as if the full moon had dissolved into this vaporous substance and fallen to the earth in great blue and white neon clumps. It doesn't last long, maybe twenty minutes depending on the cloud cover blocking the sun in the west. But I would trade it for some cold weather. My sluggish body insists that winter is here even though the summer bubble denies me winter's woolish comforts. God, I love wool. I hate feeling naked all the time.